Not many people who visit websites and blogs leave a comment all the time. Unless they can strongly relate to the topic being shared on the site, they won’t write any comment there. A research done by Jakob Nielsen found that 90 percent of blog readers will never comment on a post, nine percent will comment once in a while and one percent will leave a thoughtful response that adds value to the post. The majority are called consumers while those who comment from time to time are the contributors. So how then can you encourage people to post a comment on your blog? Apart from providing valuable and interesting information, what are other ways that you can do to invite people to share their views on what you’ve written? First of all, do make it easy for your readers to post their comments. Avoid the format that requires them to register because they won’t often do that. Asking a question at the end of your post is also an effective way. Compared to just stating your thoughts and making a conclusion, a question at the end normally prompts people to comment. Some effective questions are “What do you think?,” “Have you experienced the same?” or “Have any of these worked for you?” Do make it a point to reply to your readers’ comments. This encourages them to share their views more or provide useful tips as well. Just make sure that you’ve enabled your spam filter so you are able to moderate the messages and avoid unrelated or annoying comments. Finally, make everybody feel welcome. Avoid replying only to one or two people because this will make some of your readers feel unwelcome. Find the time to reply to all if you can.